Featured Publications

Chapter 1: Introduction from Business and Human Rights as Law (LexisNexis 2019)
Business and human rights is rapidly emerging as a legal discipline in the wake of global developments in legislation, litigation, and international law. But the contours of corporate risk and the evolving legal standard of care remain shrouded in uncertainty. This innovative text shows lawyers how to unravel the ambiguity. We excerpt the Introduction with the permission of LexisNexis.

Modern Slavery Governance: Basics for Boards
Developed in collaboration with Liberty Asia, this practical guide leverages the lessons of regulatory compliance to provide a quick reference for corporate directors and officers to implement modern slavery policies and procedures that meet stakeholder expectations while navigating emerging legal risk practically and efficiently.
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Practical Definitions of Cause, Contribute, and Directly Linked (Discussion Paper)
In collaboration with Debevoise & Plimpton, we have developed practical definitions of cause, contribute, and directly linked under the Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This discussion draft is to ground engagement with stakeholders and businesses to provide precise guidance on the scope of corporate human rights due diligence and remedy. We welcome comments.

Privilege, Corporate Responsibility, and the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise
This article, published by the Global Investigations Review, explores the emerging tension between government policy to mandate corporate human rights due diligence and judicial policy to limit privilege over internal investigations.

Integrated Risk Prioritization: A Path to Efficient Risk Management
Anti-corruption compliance provides valuable lessons for human rights governance. By leveraging those lessons to identify priority human rights risks for due diligence and remediation, companies can manage business risks efficiently and comprehensively.

The Arc of Corporate Responsibility: Public Relations Art to Legal Science
The Guiding Principles have reshaped corporate responsibility, both in content and in risk. Responsible businesses need to recognize this changing landscape and respond accordingly. Otherwise, corporate responsibility will just create more risks.